Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English

So guys, let's discuss the Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English, which will help you to learn something new.

Patience is going to be a big part of how we deal skillfully with the current situation; patience is something that we should learn in our ordinary lives to make our lives better.

I have to admit that one of my most significant failings is that I tend to be very impatient it's one of my more significant weaknesses I'll put it that way Buddhism and Buddhism they often talk about Hell realms and Heaven realms for me one of the hell realms would be waiting in a long line for something I just that's one of the ways that gets me. It's not something that's to my benefit, and this is all about patience essay, which followed by buddha quotes.

So I'm learning this particular technique and strategy as much as I'm sure some of you are now what I would say is that patience is one of the ten perfections or par Emmys or paramita that we find in later in Mahayana Buddhism we find it in later Pali Buddhism and the term vaada tradition.

But it was not part of any kind the parem ease, in general, was not part of early Buddhism that came later. In general, patience is not one of its not added to any lists or any of the essential files any way that I'm familiar with of early Buddhism so we could say it wasn't quite as centrally understood as necessary to the path as it became later now why precisely this is the case.

I mean, I'll start to do a little bit of a historical digression here before we get to the actual issues here. Still, I think one of the problems is one of the past problems with patience is that later on, the idea of a way became quite expanded and so. In contrast, in the early tradition, the awakening was understood to be something that you that at least a diligent monastic could potentially expect to gain within this very life or at least in a few breaths.

Anyway in the later tradition that tended to shift in the sense that awakening became something that was more and more difficult to achieve and indeed in the Mahayana the revival that we find in early Buddhism was replaced by the desire to become a Buddha and of course becoming a Buddha is something of a different scale entirely.

All of a sudden, the aim of practice was quite a bit farther away from us than it had been when Buddhism began. I think in that context patience became extremely important because we had, after all, to wait potentially many many not only many many lifetimes but possibly many billions and billions of years to be expecting to get to a stage like becoming a Buddha or something and that's the way it's described.

Patience took on quite a different character later on as being central to the path now within early Buddhism which is the focus of this channel the center of my interest patients or the issues surrounding patients tend to be invit end to involve in particular of the abuse of monastics that is to say monastics, monks when they went out into the broader society would encounter pushback sometimes either verbal abuse or physical abuse.

So the idea of patience is one of tolerating that kind of reaction tolerating abuse and in particular Orwell there several particulars but one story early story involves Poona who is a monastic who is going off into the country of soon apparent which is the Buddha describes as a problematic place a place full of people who were perhaps not very open to the buddha-dharma and so the Buddha wants to examine put a nod up to make sure that he is that his mind is in the right place. So the Buddha asks him basically if somebody abuses.

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English Continue...

You verbally what is you know, how are you going to take that, and Pune says that if somebody abuses him verbally, he's going to be glad that they're not at least hitting him with let's say with sticks or throwing stones at him. The Buddha then asks well what if they throw rocks at you or heat you with sticks; then he put anis says well I'll be glad that they're not at least using a knife on me. It goes in that kind of progression until the Buddha gets to the possibility that somebody would try to kill him or kill him. He says, what if somebody kills you. Puddin s says well within the Sangha nowadays some monastics are very ill in intense pain and are looking for some way to commit suicide.

But they don't want to do that too and to engender the lousy karma, and Here I am in this foreign country that's this problematic country. Somebody is allowing me to commit suicide without me having to take bad karma on myself, so he says he would be pleased even then.

So I mean this is a mighty kind of progression let's say a great discussion here of deep, deep patience of tolerance with anything I mean patience and understanding are both two ways to describe the same kind of mental toughness shall we say this ability to tolerate anything and indeed the Buddha does approve of Puddin as mental toughness.

In this in this case and until and happily tells Pune to go on his way and indeed it seems that puno was very successful there's another story in another suit about the housewife Deepika and her maid Kali and this story the housewife vedehika is very sweet very even-tempered we might say very patient tolerant but Kali notices that she the maid is always doing her work correctly.

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English Continue Part

She's oh she's very diligent she always arrives on time she still gets her work done, and so Kali thinks to herself well is my mistress this woman who's the house householder? Is she patient, or is it just that I'm doing my work correctly. Hence, Kali decides to test the housewife she decides that what she's going to do is to arrive late she's not going to do her work diligently she's going to make intentional mistakes we can make of this story what we will it doesn't seem like the best idea but any event that's what Kali decides to do and as the story tells it indeed when Kylie does this Deepika becomes a very angry becomes abusive indeed becomes eventually physically abusive.

So Kali then denounces the housewife as being somebody who isn't a patient who isn't sweet and kind and tolerant. All that she was doing was tolerating somebody who was doing their work correctly, but she wasn't tolerant when you have gotten you got down to it.

I think that is in telling this story the Buddha is pointing out how it's straightforward for all of us to be patient when things go right you know a few minutes ago I was talking about being in long lines well if there isn't a line then obviously we can all imagine that we'd be patient in that situation because there's nothing patient about we don't have to wait for anything we don't have to tolerate anything we're you know the rubber hits the road as they say where things get you to see where you find out is where you have to deal with something that is perhaps more difficult to tolerate such as an employee who is not doing their job correctly or some piece of equipment that isn't working or an employer who is not paying you properly or who was perhaps abusing your tendency to work too much there are many different ways that we can approach this problem.

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes Continues for Everyone.

The point here is clear: we have to be careful in thinking of ourselves as a patient when we aren't being tested. Indeed perhaps now we are being tested at least to some small degree for most of us who are merely having to wait at home or not being able to do things that we like to do and in this same site where the Buddha discusses this story of this housewife and the maid he's using this to that describe patients to his monastics and later on in the suit is a very famous site.

Because at the end of the Sutra, the Buddha discusses because he's the general idea of this Sutra is that monastics are being verbally abused or having to deal with a verbal issue the issues about how language is being used. The Buddha then throws up the ups the ante here at the end and says that look even if you were to be taken physically by bandits who would and this is a very very powerful example here he also says if they would take you limb from limb with a two-handled saw with a giant saw just cut you into pieces.

He says that even in that situation, you should remain tolerant, speak with a mind of kindness towards them, and not allow your account to be turned towards hatred even in the most challenging situations. Now I've heard several contemporary teachers who have approached this teaching in different directions, some who have said that we really shouldn't take this entirely seriously. I sense that it wasn't it was indeed intended to be taken entirely seriously by the Buddha.

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English About Extreme cases

Now, of course, he's using an extreme case to make the point about the comparatively minor issues of language I mean other words if you can deal with some terrible thing like being cut to pieces, then style seems, by comparison, to be minor. So, therefore, those of you who are getting angry about language are you know you've got a lot to learn according to the Buddha. Still, the point here in all these cases is that tolerance and patience is something that we have to even maintain in the most trying of circumstances and when we compare that very trying circumstances stance which is really for again for the vast majority of us is nothing much except that we have to remain at home perhaps.

Not do some things that we would enjoy doing when we compare that to the to this other horrible possibility or the terrible possibility frankly of getting the illness and having to be in the hospital or even die then we see that you know there's certainly a much more room for patience and tolerance. 

It's instructive to note that in these cases, patients, the idea of patience is generally contrasted with anger or hatred, which is to say that patience is a counteracting of anger or hostility. Indeed the Buddha says that people who are without patience are people who tend to be of ill-will tend to be angry tend to be dislikable they're difficult to deal with they have trouble making friends because again their anger tends to bubble up all the time they become disagreeable and cruel and as a result, as I say they become difficult to like whereas.

The Buddha also says he compares this to the case of somebody patient, and he says the patient person is much more likable is much more agreeable as opposed to being disagreeable because they're able to tolerate so much. Indeed tolerance is so important when it comes to friendship.

Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English About Human

Because as I'm sure all of us know I'm sure you know one of the issues about being human frankly is that we find ourselves in constant disagreements with those people around us even the people closest to us even our spouses even our family often very much our family even close friends.

We find ourselves in disagreements and to the extent to which we're intolerant were unable to tolerate things that don't go our way or that are in dispute with us that makes.

It very difficult to have long-term friendships or to have any friendships at all and indeed for the monastic Sangha, it makes it difficult to maintain such a thing if people are going to be intolerant of each other, so the major issue here is one of overcoming anger overcoming intolerance by practicing patience and a part of the way to do that is to see the advantages of a patient lifestyle the advantages of getting away from anger and how do we deal with that in this particular case that was confronted with.

The Buddha was obvious and pointing out that having a patient mindset or at least cultivating patience, which may involve understanding the roots of anger and trying to counteract those roots when we see them arising to make I should say, make peace with them in the sense of acknowledging their presence.

So this is all about Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English, You can use this Patience Essay With Buddha Quotes In English For your learning purpose.

Even you can use this as a reference for your study essay if you get homework like Write down the patience essay with Buddha.

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